2023 Woman to Watch! Dr. Linda Joseph

2023 Woman to Watch! Dr. Linda Joseph

Dr LINDA JOSEPH; Humbly known as Sister Linda is a mother of six beautiful children, and a grandmother of two princesses. She is a woman of faith and substance. A leader in the community with a heart for the kingdom and an advocate for the abused and rejected. She’s a teacher, pastor, author, entrepreneur, life coach, motivational speaker, family counselor and mentor.  She’s a first born. She was born in Nassau, Bahamas and is of Haitian descent.  She is a sought after international women’s conference and empowerment speaker. Her mission in life is to promote healthy and spiritual living by empowering individuals and families.


She is the Copastor at Unity International Ministries alongside her husband whom she’s been married to for approximately 30 years. She is the Founder and CEO of the W.I.W.A (Women Inspiring Women Always). WIWA  is an atmosphere where women pour into each other. WIWA offers comprehensive and innovative programs and services to individuals, families, community services and mission volunteers. Linda is the host for a WIWA segment called Real Talk Growth, within which have birthed a movement called Shemergence I Am She.


Linda is a graduate of Harvest Reapers International where she recently attained her doctorate degree in Biblical Theology and Ministry. She has served at many levels in ministry.  She’s currently the district overseer for The International Apostolic Movement Inc  of South Florida and a VIP member of NAPW (The National Association of Professional Women) Chapter.


Linda's goal is to teach, motivate and inspire youths and women to get out of their comfort zone and get into the front-row seat of their lives. Teaching is her gift. Her life story is like no other. It is because of her faith in God that she stands today. Her passion for God has been her saving grace. 


Linda has an engaging and fun personality. She's a go-to motivational speaker.  She has honed her skills to motivate audiences who are often hard to motivate. She connects with her audiences and delivers content that they can immediately use when they get back to their daily life activities and ministries. Her purpose in life is to empower others to improve their Christian walk of faith.


Lastly when not on assignment, or delivering upbeat motivational programs, and collaborating with like minded individuals; she enjoys quality time with her family, and loves her quiet solitude moments with God. She’s a fashionista and loves sewing, decorating, reading, and art.