"How do I recommend escaping the overwhelm that emerges over the holiday season? I would say to just take intentional moments, to stop, pause, reflect and celebrate. I believe sometimes as movers and shakers, as a women, as entrepreneurs, as purpose pushers... we go from one moment to the next and we're always on our grind. We become overwhelmed because we don't stop to look and marvel at what we've been able to do and what we've accomplished over the year. So my recommendation is to build in some intentional stop, pause, time, reflection, and celebrate what you've accomplished. Reflect on everything that God has done in your life, pause and take a moment to breathe." says Chanel.
"What advice for women do I have to make next year their best year? You need to put God first of course. I know that sounds cliche, but we have to always remind ourselves and ask ourselves this question: Did we take this to God? Again, as movers and shakers and purpose pushers, we can get into the habit of just doing a bunch of good ideas, and not pursuing the God ideas. I know you could be selling this or launching that or producing that....but is that what God wants? Does God want you to rest or does God want you to build? Are you building when you're supposed to be resting?" she continues.
"So always take the time to say, Okay God, is this what you would have me to do? Do you want me to launch this? I have to do that often because I have so many ideas and I have so many gifts and talents and things that I can do. However when you want to have sweat-less wins without toiling.....it comes from doing things with God and saying, Okay, God, is this the right thing for me?"
You'll make 2022 your best year if before you pursue anything, you say 'Hey God, is this a God idea or just a good idea'.... and only pursue those God ideas." she adds. To learn more about Chanel visit www.ChanelMartin.com or follow @ChanelEMartin on Instagram.