Dr. Shadaria Allison  Shares HER Vision!

Dr. Shadaria Allison Shares HER Vision!

Can you share the story of how you started your business and the inspiration behind it?

As a young girl .. all I had was my faith. God met me in shambles. It was a rough introduction but I quickly became aware of his need in my life; primarily through what I suffered. Consequently, I was forced by life to pay attention to the factors that led me to need his salvation. Whether that be poverty, mental health disparity, relationship woes, and trauma in general. All of these factors molded me into a person that quite frankly, wanted to be free and to free others; especially women.


What challenges have you faced as a woman in business, and how have you overcome them?

Inner healing is a vital component toward long lasting by success. After a while you can’t engineer a thriving business, purpose, or mission still tied to the things that have damaged our heart. Healing is the only way in and out. Purpose isn’t about comfort, I find purpose is attracted to solution and what better way to provide solution for the soul, but by way of healing. I dare say it is the foundation of any dream built . To till our own garden and to pick up generational roots that often come to choke out purpose . In the long run.. there will be no long run without addressing healing. We are only as effective of our introspective environment. The soul work it takes to undergird our life’s calling and the effectiveness of maintaining relationships. I find inner healing quintessential.


What advice would you give to other women looking to break into your industry or start their own ventures?

I often tell people I knew God for 30 some odd years but I didn’t attempt discipleship with him until about 2 years ago. Religion offers us a cheap version of relationship with an all encompassing God. He wants obedience.. he wants prayer.. he wants fellowship.. and so I was challenged to grow in my faith through the “crushing” of my faith. The pain. The dirt. The ugly that exists in a dance with the most high led me to a deeper walk with him. A space where at bare minimum he was able to drive the car of my life; which quite frankly just happened over time. It’s one thing to make Christ your savior and an entirely different pull on life to obey him and allow him to be Lord.


How do you balance the demands of running a business with your personal life and self-care?

As founder of Girl Boss Publishing and Married2themission my most proudest moment has been a drive to not quit. I love people and people aren’t always ideal (insert laugh) women we are quite complex . Business is complex. Having a vision sometimes that you can only see is complex. So in retrospect 2024, I gave birth to a different facet of both ventures and the lessons were expensive. I learned to cease being an emotional entrepreneur. I learned how to show up under severe stress and disappointment. Most importantly I learned that possibility meets you right where you let it in . I wanted to quit, but I didn’t. I honored the spaces of what both ventures represent on an intrinsic level and there hadn’t been one book created in his name that hadn’t been a best seller. I’m proud that quitting wasn’t an option for me. 


What is next for you in 2025 and how can readers connect with you online?

2025 is a year of connection. I want to touch the people. We are going through so much in this current culture and I believe it is time that equipped women abandon false posts that have nothing to do with the advancement of kingdom, community reform, and restoring honor and love that has been lost in this generation . I want to publish and consult and comfort as many people as God will allow.. I pray to make him proud and to reignite the innate nature of women to serve again.


I can be reached via website:


Email: info@drallison911.com

TikTok:  Ideas4dastarz 

IG: Married2themission