Ebony Porter-Ike is Glambitious!

Ebony Porter-Ike is Glambitious!

Introduce yourself and brand to readers: 
Hello, my name is Ebony Porter-Ike, and I am a serial entrepreneur. I own a premium Global PR/Marketing agency based in Atlanta, Ga, by the name of The epiMediaGroup, I also own a national production company, Ebony Eyes Entertainment and I also own the brand Coinology which houses its own podcast, book series, and speaking lectures.  The focus of each of my businesses is to bring awareness and visibility to business methodologies and practices that will liberate people to tell their stories and learn how to monetize their gifts.

Share your top 2 most proud accomplishments to-date: 
I am honored by every mention and honor, however I have been most moved by the release of one of my documentaries on NBC's streaming network PEACOCK TV which premiered as their #1 docuseries of all times, The Casey Anthony Story: Where the Truth Lies.  Another monumental moment for me was when I was featured in Essence Magazine for my work within production.  Whenever I am featured or honored by my colleagues for my life's work, it is extremely special to me.
What advice would you share to help other visionaries thrive in uncertain seasons? 
Stay focused on the end goal.  Do not be afraid to pivot and shift your journey but stay focused on the destination. Those who are too rigid during the process and do not allow for the needed modifications to naturally take place will fall behind and those who are quickly distracted from the end goal will never accomplish success.  You must understand the mission, but be open & flexible during the process.
What is next for you in 2023 and beyond: 
I am planning to open up an EPI WEST office in LA and I am planning to continue developing 3 premium docuseries within the next 12 months. I would like to license Coinology The Podcast on a major streaming platform so that we can expand our viewership and continue gaining visibility to the project.