Felicia Scaife shares HER Vision!

Felicia Scaife shares HER Vision!

  1. Seeking Divine Guidance: Before implementing any idea, Go into prayer to ensure that your actions are aligned with God's will, recognizing that He is the source of the vision and does not operate in confusion. By honoring Him in everything that you do, You will find clarity and purpose.
  2. Collaborating with Like-Minded Individuals: Embrace the power of collaboration, understanding that some tasks are not meant to be done alone. By working with others who share God’s vision of helping and encouraging others, You will leverage diverse skills and knowledge to achieve greater outcomes.
  3. Remaining Teachable: Maintaining a continuous learning mindset, staying open to feedback and new ideas. This teachable attitude will allow you to adapt and grow, improving your approach and ultimately bringing the vision to life.

For 2024, my next steps are:

  1. Refining My Vision: I took a pause and focused all of my time and energy on someone else’s vision and lost who I was in the process, therefore these next few months I am reflecting on my goals and ensuring they align with my long-term aspirations and values. 
  2. Expanding My Network: I plan to build and strengthen relationships with more like-minded individuals and potential collaborators to foster new opportunities and ideas.
  3. Investing in Personal Growth: I will focus on continuous learning 

    and skill development to stay adaptable and prepared for new challenges and opportunities that arise throughout the year.

You can connect with me: 

Facebook: TalkisChic, LLC

Instagram: mytalkischic

Emal: Talkischic1021@yahoo.com