Please introduce yourself and brand to readers:
I am a change agent, servant, mentor, humanitarian, advocate, a voice for those who feel they don't have a voice and a testament to God's glory! I hold a Bachelor of Social Work focusing on Mental Health; I am a Youth Engagement Specialist for Sasha Bruce, an organization where I once was a client at age 15. I was born to engage with people, evangelize, serve, and write inspirational messages to help heal the broken hearted. I have been delivered from strongholds. I understand My testimony is not for me! It is for the world to know there is hope for the hopeless.
What has been your most exciting accomplishment to date?
My most exciting accomplishment to date is becoming featured in this magazine. The excitement of being a part of this excellent magazine cover is like, “whoa.” For years, I've envisioned myself speaking to an audience of people. I consider myself an extrovert. But when the spotlight is on me, I become an introvert. Being featured as an author of Faith for Fiery Trials: Volume III has brought the true speaker out of me. I share my testimony of healing from alcoholism, major depression, and the lack of self-love. I am a Woman Evolve Book Club member created by Sarah Jakes Roberts and a team of phenomenal women. I have broken the fear of "SHAME" by allowing God to use me through my testimony during one of our Zoom book club meetings. Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts asked me to pray; there are over 2,000 women in our private book club and several featured on the Zoom call, but she called me out. I did it afraid, but the Holy Spirit guided me and gave me the words to pray for what the ladies needed.
Any advice to help women thrive through fiery trials?
It may be a cliché, but it is true, “Let it go, and Let God!” We can't do this thing called life on our own. We need support. I was sinking into a whirlwind of loss, depression, alcoholism, fear, discouragement, and hurt. I began to believe in myself. I'd look in the mirror and ask myself, is that enough? It is time. Your trial is just a test for a testimony God will bring you out. I know it may seem bleak, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but hold on, my sister, be strong. Help is on the way!
What is next for you in 2023 and beyond?
Since 2021, I have been outlining and writing a memoir. God continues giving me insight on the direction HE has for me with this writing project. I've started, stopped, picked it up, and started again. I am healing daily from hurt and trauma, and as the layers of the healing peel, as does my story. I am enrolled in several training and masterclasses to master my gift of public speaking, leadership, and writing. I plan to complete my Master’s Degree in Social Work, write books, travel to speak to those who don't have a voice, and continue ministering to the lost.
How can readers connect with you online?I.G: @maresaroach
Twitter: @maresa_roach