What inspired you to become a CEO?
My mother Joyce Washington! Although she did have a corporate career, she was always her own boss and had her own business. This started long before I was even born. So as you see greatness and thinking outside the box runs in the family! It allowed her so many opportunities including putting me through private school, college, etiquette school, ballet, tap, jazz and going on vacations abroad. I would say I have had a pretty well off life which I'm so grateful for. When you're in the seat of that kind of greatness you can't help but to be great yourself.
What has been your most exciting accomplishment to date?
My son! I was told by many medical professionals that I would never have children of my own or I would have an extremely difficult time trying to conceive. Upon misdiagnosis on misdiagnosis I proved every single last one of them wrong! This is why I am so passionate about working with women today because I do understand when you feel the western medical complex has failed you. Especially as a woman of color. With diet change, completely changing my mindset and taking care of my womb, I completely changed that outcome for myself! I now have an amazing 5 year old prince I get to call my very own. You think something long enough, it will manifest and happen for you. Make it positive!
Any 2 pieces of advice you would share with emerging CEOs?
- Yayu(Vision)-My son's middle name. It literally means you have to see something in your mind's eye first in order to manifest it. Never give up on your dreams and visions. It is what will bring you to your greatness. Even when others don't see it. My mother always told me "Thoughts Become Things"
- Take time for personal and professional development in your respective career, endeavour and calling. There is never an end to learning and becoming a better version of you.
Share your favorite inspirational quote:
"Done is better than perfect because perfect never gets done."
How can readers connect with you online?
You can find me on all social media platforms at Sage Moon Wellness (formerly Sage Moon Massage & Healing)