Meet Brown CEO! Stephanie Moses

Meet Brown CEO! Stephanie Moses

Share your journey into launching the Step J: 

Hi My name is Stephanie Moses, and I began my journey in launching The Step J over 20 years ago. At that time, I was so overwhelmed and stressed out. I wasn’t sleeping, and I was uncharacteristically angry, emotional, and overall, mentally hurt from some pent up trauma in my childhood that went unaddressed. The decisions and choices I made as a young lady began to eat at me, and I couldn’t function as my best self. So I sought help; I went to therapy for my depression, misconduct, and decline in human character. I'm here today because of God: the true love of mankind — he never fails. I started the StepJ self-love, self-care personal lifestyle brand to let women and men know to love and improve their self confidence, and empower themselves. One of my biggest missions for the StepJ brand is to inspire women and men to create a fulfilling life through self-care, self-love, self-esteem and to ultimately become their best self. 

For someone in a challenging season, what advice would you give them?

Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God: believe also in me (John 14:1 NTV). If you are going through a storm or trial in your life, I have some good news for you today: you do not have to be overwhelmed by those circumstances. I believe Jesus is with you in every situation and through the power of prayer, you can still your heart in the turbulent times. You declare in faith, "Lord, even if I don't see you, I trust you…” My prayer to every person who is reading this, is that I hope you will have an encounter with Jesus and he will guide you through the turbulence to the peace on the other side. 

Tell us about your upcoming retreat: 

Hopefully coming this fall The StepJ will host a women’s workshop conference weekend. It will be a retreat for women to fellowship and network, heal, sleep, shop, and create meaningful connections with other women who are also on the journey of self-love, self- care, and overall longterm wellness. 

How can readers learn more about your efforts as a brown CEO? 

To learn more about The StepJ, you can connect with us online at, on Instagram @theStepJ, or on Facebook, The StepJ.