Meet Glam CEO: Dr. Connie Stewart

Meet Glam CEO: Dr. Connie Stewart

Please introduce yourself and business to our readers:

Preacher. Pastor. Author. Influencer. Mentor. Mindset & Performance coach.

After I accepted the call to ministry some 30 years ago, I soon realized that I also had a call to the marketplace.  How could this be? I had to embrace the fact that there were two rivers flowing out of me. I had the ability to be anointed and powerful on Sunday and then walk in that same measure on Monday. Over time, I began to invest in both sides of me, Ministry and Marketplace. I now have taken up the charge to empower, inform, educate, and inspire those who walk in both dimensions how to be purposeful and profitable.

I am a woman who inspires and empowers the lives of others. I believe I have a passion for life that is contagious, and I refuse to take no for an answer.  Not only do I believe in the ability to dream but I believe that dreams really do come true. I have a mandate to wake people up to the giant that lives on the inside of them and give them the necessary tools to live their best life.  My mission is to motivate, educate and challenge individuals as well as organizations to “Bloom” into their fullest potential.

How are your current efforts helping to propel women forward?

As the Founder and President of Bloom University I help women discover their passion and purpose so they can live their best life now.  Helping women shift their mindset, master their message, and earn money for their experience and specialization is my mission. Being their own boss gives them both time and financial freedom as well as help them break barriers and build legacy for their families. 

What advice would you share for building a recognizable brand in a saturated market?

  1. BE YOU. Somebody needs you to show up as your authentic self. Be true to you. Know that there are millions in your mouth.
  2. BE BOLD. It takes both faith and guts to build a brand. Go boldly because there is value in your voice.
  3. BE BRAVE. Get out of your own way and tell your story. Part of the process is turning your tears into somebody else’s triumph. Be courageous! 

How do you stay motivated during uncertain seasons?

I make plans in my ‘certain seasons’ so I don’t faint in the ‘uncertain seasons’. It is in those seasons where I am clear and focused, that I create the blueprint and put it on paper. As I always say, “If it’s not written, it’s not real.” Doing this keeps me on track when things seem uncertain. What should I do? FOLLOW THE PLAN!  I’ve learned to allow chaos to be my confirmation that I am on track and on target.  If we wait for all our ducks to be in a row, we will always start and stop. When I realized that they don’t all have to be in a row, I realized it took much more courage to grow as I go.

Tell us about your 2023 plans and how to connect with you online:

I’m declaring, 2023 is the Year of Living the Dream! My goal is to help more women wake up from the nightmares that have hindered, paralyzed, and caused them to forfeit on their dreams. We will do more live events so that we can be empowered. Educated and inspired women to bloom into who they were called to be. 

The Bloom U Live ONE DAY Life Coach certification masterclass is returning. We are working on a few new books as well as an apparel line.  2003 we are expanding our reach, increasing our exposure and helping women execute their dreams.


Join me on the journey! You can connect with me by visiting my website or on social media @DrConnieStewart.