Meet Glam CEO: Laurinda Andujar

Meet Glam CEO: Laurinda Andujar

Please introduce yourself and business to our readers:
I am a culture shifter with an innate ability to ameliorate the faulty
foundations of times past through the powers of healing, innovative
reasoning, and altruism. It is said that I embody these qualities in
stringent measures; while being a compassionate professional.

  I am a Best-Selling Author, prolific orator, and certified Grief and
Recovery specialist displaying a sincere preeminence for helping leaders
and growing professionals acculturate the skillsets, inner resilience,
and awareness necessary for attaining authentic success. I have spent
many years in consultation and coaching, successfully helping clients
submit to the truths of their current disposition while exercising
unconventional strategies to enhance their overall success.

  My mantra is simple: Transparency, relatability, and innovative thought
processes are the primary ingredients in veritable leadership

  I combine a prodigious work ethic with a high regard for education,
achievement, and communal involvement. I graduated from the Henry B
Fernandez School of the Prophets, the Huizenga School of Executive
Leadership, and the Disney Leadership Institute. I am certified in Grief
Recovery, HIPAA, and Achieve Global, and a Certified John Maxwell Team
Member and Coach.

I possess a tremendous ability to connect with audiences from all
demographics, educational and socioeconomic statuses, and recognized by
exclusive platforms for my outstanding contributions, such as The
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, The National Diversity Council,
Barry University, and many others. My expertise and effervescent nature
have allowed me to grace an array of stages, featuring in 20 magazines,
such as SwagHer, FashionGxd, Medium, Mogul, US Weekly, and New York
Business Now. I've featured on NBC 33, Fox 44, KEBN Radio, 94.1 The Max,
and New York Times Square; along with maintaining a 30-day Texas radio
syndication for her book, She Blinked, The Book of Me.

  I was influenced by the late Maya Angelou and Bo Diddley; by which I
shared the chance to meet both their acquaintances, I believe that
possessing a dynamic approach ushers us into the realms of the great;
making us one of them. With an unwavering commitment to transforming the
way the world views personal and professional development, I hope to
remain an example of what success looks like when we submit to the
process of personal deliverance and development, from the inside out.

  When I am out attempting to change the world through my expertise, I
strive to be an asset to my local community, family, and friendship

How are your current efforts helping to propel women forward?

What I do is simple yet necessary. I help women get out of their way and
find their voices by overcoming the barriers associated with grief and
trauma, when the client has dealt with those obstacles, I teach them how
to use their newfound voices while providing different vehicles to
exercise their gifts.

That vehicle may come as a speaking engagement on one of my platforms,
both virtual and physical. I have recently afforded both women and men
the ability to become published poets and authors for free, allowing
them to collaborate in my book projects.

There is no cost to join my projects, and contributing authors retain
the rights to their intellectual property. I know others that may charge
astronomical fees to be a part of a project like mine. The goal is to
leave people better than I found them. This is my way of giving back
while allowing creatives to find their power. I wanted to be the support
I needed when I stepped out on faith to become an entrepreneur. Allowing
aspiring authors a chance to do something they never possibly could very
well be the catalyst for change they have been waiting for their entire

What advice would you share for building a recognizable brand in a
saturated market?

The advice I would share for building a recognizable brand in a
saturated market requires an entrepreneur to do five things:
Entrepreneurs must be authentic. An entrepreneur must be trustworthy.
Aspiring entrepreneurs must also be available, flexible, and willing to
collaborate with others.

We often hear the command to be authentic, but how can someone be
considered genuine in an environment where everything seems to be a
carbon copy of everything else? It is simple to listen to your
instincts, Do the work, you must be willing to study your area of
expertise and tweak it your way along the way. Always use what you have
in your hands and give credit where it is due when someone lends you a
helping hand.

That leads to being trustworthy why would someone trust you to handle
the larger riskier tasks if you aren't delivering the smaller projects
with excellence? Try under-promising and over-delivering. You would be
surprised how being viewed as a trustworthy source will open doors to
platforms you never thought possible. It is imperative to remember to be
available for the less glamorous roles.

Availability is everything, and flexibility is the superpower that will
take you and your brand from good to great. I'm not saying give up
everything that makes you, YOU, but I advise you to be flexible and bend
a little. It is critical to understand that collaborative projects tend
to break barriers and knocks down walls allowing you to build an empire.
How do you stay motivated during uncertain seasons?

I always try to remind myself why I started. I started to change the
generational curses of financial struggles in my family. I started my
journey to leave a legacy for my children. I started because in
corporate America, there was not a large population of folks to glean
from who looked like me or shared experiences that I could learn from in
a non-judgmental way.

I started because I wanted to be a voice for the voiceless and wanted to
do my part, I desired to break stereotypes, and most importantly, I
longed to leave people better than I found them.

Tell us about your 2023 plans and how to connect with you online:

They say if you want to make God laugh, make plans, on the other hand,
the word says to write the vision and make it plain. I plan to meet my
audience somewhere in the middle while joyfully making plans to help
others find their voice while leveraging various platforms in 2023 and

If the readers feel inclined, they can follow my author page on Readers can interact with me there and on I am finishing up a book project that has evolved
into an anthology titled the Making of a Butterfly (MOAB), where poets
and creatives can come and share their stories of triumph with the
nation. The overarching goal is to release five book projects this year,
  and all of these books will aid with personal and professional

I also plan to collaborate more in the podcasting space. I have been
sharing more on platforms such as the Wisdom app. and Clubhouse and
inviting a guest into my personal space, where we have Candid Convos
with friends on life, love, and leadership. Admittingly those are loads
of fun and super informative. Later in the year, I plan to partner with
organizations such as A Thousand Moms' an organization based in Africa
which is the brainchild of Queen Matouke.

I plan to collaborate with other nonprofit organizations such as Help
Her Find Her, Be Sincerely You, IRREAP, and others that are on the
ground doing the work to make the globe a better place while bringing
humanity back to humans.

Connect with Laurinda below: