Meet Glam CEO: Sharvette Mitchell

Meet Glam CEO: Sharvette Mitchell

Please introduce yourself and business to our readers:

I am Sharvette Mitchell and Marketing Consultant that works with small businesses to enable them to build their platform so that they generate more revenue with increased visibility on their brand and business. I do this in a couple of ways by focusing on their positioning, visual branding and marketing. I offer one on one consulting, a group coaching program based on my trademarked framework, THE PLATFORM BUILDER® ,  book collaborations and I host annual business conferences for women. 

I am a proud graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. In addition, I am an ICF Professional Certified Leadership Coach.

Since 2008, I have hosted a weekly internet talk radio show called The Sharvette Mitchell Radio Show. I have had the pleasure of being seen on CBS 6, The CW Network and featured in publications such as Huffington Post & AARP.  

I  am really excited about  being the visionary author of five book collaborations, PROPEL - The Essential Handbook for Emerging Women in Business & Leadership, POUR -The Secret Effects of Serving and Giving in Business & Leadership, PURSUE - Chase your goals and run after your passions in Business, Life and Leadership, PEARLS - Wisdom and advice from emerging women leaders and coming 2023, Prepare for PURPOSE.

How are your current efforts helping to propel women forward? 

Funny you should ask that, my first book collaboration was called, PROPEL. While we don’t exclude a few lucky men from our customer base, I am really aligned with high achieving women who offer professional services. For example, my 12 month program, THE PLATFORM BUILDER®, is only open to women. I have the honor of coming along side women such as Therapists, Grief Counselors, Financial Planners, Accountants, Realtors, Life Coaches, etc. to push their personal brands forward and the visibility of their transformational services. I am their confidence igniter and your overwhelm eliminator!

What advice would you share for building a recognizable brand in a saturated market?

Stay consistent and that means visually how your brand shows up AND the voice and content of your brand. The visibility and consistency of your brand will rise above the noise for YOUR customer and pull them in. Notice, I said…YOUR customer. The customers that connect with what you offer are the ones that matter. Plus, the pie is big enough for all businesses to eat!

How do you stay motivated during uncertain seasons?

I have faith that GOD has my life and business in control. Why? Because HE has never missed a beat…I also journal and write/read affirmations. 

Tell us about your 2023 plans and how to connect with you online:

I am excited about 2023 and the amazing clients we will continue to work with. I have a book collaboration that features 10 clients and that comes out the 1st quarter of 2023. I am looking forward to hosting my 7th conference dedicated to women and the marketing of their brands and business! The Platform Builder Summit will be held the fall of 2023 in Richmond, VA.

Let’s connect!

My main website:

Instagram: @SharvetteM

Twitter: @Sharvette

YouTube: @Sharvette
