Lerae Funderburg is an Attorney & Wellness Coach who protects brands and energies. She is also the creator of Elevate Legally, a comprehensive, holistic wellness company designed to reignite purpose and create harmonious lifestyles for high-achieving, women lawyers.
"Elevate Legally is my purpose work. This is where I provide a number of different wellness coaching services to lawyers or other high level entrepreneurs. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to this type of work and I always like to meet people where they are at, so I provide them with a number of options to accelerate the implementation of wellness in their everyday lives." says Lerae.
Her goal with Elevate Legally is to help women unapologetically release the emotional baggage carried for too long and discover inner peace and purpose for the life they deserve.
"I offer intensive one-on-one 4-day retreats where we really dig into the heart of what is causing stress and unhappiness in your life and develop a comprehensive plan to tackle it, while also mapping out various tools and strategies to can implement moving forward. I also provide a one-on-one 12-week coaching program for individuals who want more ongoing assistance and need someone to hold their hand during the process." she adds.
"Lastly, I provide wellness audits, which are just an assessment on where you are now and what things you can do to get closer to being your best self. I’m really excited about this work because I was on a wellness journey for years but it wasn’t until the beginning of this year that things started to click for me. And once I reached that point of true inner peace and of being unbothered, I was like ‘man, other people need to feel like this’.
To connect with Lerae visit: https://www.elevatelegally.com