- Dodging Distractions and staying focused.
- Knowing and remembering my why
- Resting in God but still taking action
entrepreneurship right now?
I would say to remember these certain points.
Ø P-Listen to the voice of God if he is telling you to shift. Have the courage to shift. Redirection is sometimes Protection.
Ø I-God may be setting you up for success and even thought the transition may be uncomfortable, but it’s your obedience that will bring the Increase
Ø V-Don’t fear during the pivot, God has already given you the Victory. Whatever you put your hands too will prosper
Ø O-Step out on faith and allow God to Order your steps.
Ø T-Trust the process and always continue to trust God
What is next for you in 2022 and how can readers connect with you online?
I am launching my first international anthology series and also expanding my coaching certification program into other areas of learning. Readers can connect with me the following ways on social media, email, or website.
Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/franannbailey
Clubhouse: @FranAnnBailey
Website: www.francesannbailey.com