How do you balance entrepreneurship with motherhood?
As a wife and mom of three, full-time Project Manager, CEO, and Podcast Host, I learned the hard way that work-life balance is nearly impossible to achieve. I finally started to pursue work-life harmony, and it was a game changer. This allows me to integrate life, business and work together so that they coexist instead of competing. One of my primary strategies is developing a master calendar that includes personal, professional and business tasks and commitments. This allows me to plan and schedule my time and resources in one place so they coexist and I do not “over-schedule” or “overwhelm” myself.
What 3 steps helped you to become successful as a Mompreneur?
Being in alignment with my purpose and calling over my life. When operating in alignment, everything flows. There is peace and joy in everything that you do no matter how busy you are.
Developing sustainable mindsets and giving myself grace. Having the right mindset is at the foundation of all that we do. It is so important to be mentally prepared for all that you pursue. As moms, sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves. Giving myself grace has allowed me to focus on the progress and to stop trying to achieve goals or meet the expectations of others.
Having a strategy has been a game changer for me. It helped me take my ideas and passions to another level. Having a strategy provided me with a roadmap that I could follow along my business journey.
Any advice for moms who are considering a pivot into entrepreneurship right now?
Pivoting into entrepreneurship is a BIG decision. Before mom’s make that shift, it is important for them to communicate their aspirations and goals to their immediate family, as oftentimes, these decisions impact more than just ourselves. Finally, have an exit plan if you are not planning to stay in your traditional 9-5. Having an exit plan is a strategy that will help moms plan their transition and set themselves up for success.
What is next for you in 2022 and how can readers connect with you online?
This year has been amazing. I am intently focused on creating experiences for professional women and working parents. I am working on a virtual conference and expanding my VIP Day services to provide tailored focused support. You can follow me on Instagram at professional_dna, and I invite you to join my new Facebook Group - Community for Ambitious Professional Women and Working Parents. You can also find me on LinkedIn as Tareka Wheeler and learn more about my company at