Please introduce yourself and your business to readers: Hi, I am Melissa Rivers, Peace Coach at Origins of Peace, LLC. I am a Coach, Consultant, and soon-to-be Author. Through writing and speaking, I help my clients use creativity to think outside of the box to solve many of their personal and professional challenges. My forthcoming poetry book, From God with Love is a twist on your typical Autobiography. Through biblical scriptures I tell a story of healing and restoration through various life experiences such as marriage, family, grief, and self-esteem.
In what ways do your efforts help to propel women forward? I use my skills to inspire women to self-efficacy. My number one goal is to help the next woman understand that the road to peace begins when you trust yourself and can sit still in your own energy, without expectation.
Can you share with us a significant figure from Women’s History who has personally inspired you and why? Jessie Fauset, Poet, Author, Novelist - She inspires me because she was an inspiration to writers coming up behind her. She helped others develop their voice and offered support to Langston Hughes and Jean Toomer to name a few
For those who are also striving to build a successful business, what advice would you share? My advice to aspiring business owners is to find your voice and show up authentically. Don't try to be a copycat of someone else. Trust that you are more than enough to be successful.
How can readers work with you and connect online? To work with me visit my website or my Facebook and Instagram Pages at Origins of Peace.